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  • Why SFAM®, PureForm®
    SFAM® and PureForm® (manufactured by Surgiform, U.S.) made using e-PTFE material are products used for facial plastic surgery and reconstruction. They are designed using the Controlled Tissue Integration (CTI) technology that allows implants to settle stably in tissues, which is optimized for adequate integration of the implant material and tissues. The CTI technology also minimizes side effects of capsulation and offers high satisfaction to patients for consistent and predictable surgery outcomes.
  • What is e-PTFE?
    Expanded Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene (e-PTFE) is an expanded fluoro resin with excellent biocompatibility, high strength compared to weight and outstanding heat resistance. This material is used in different fields, such as climbing-specific clothing for Mount Everest, spacesuits and military uniforms. This special material is also used in medicine for artificial vessels, artificial heart valves, artificial meninges and facial prosthetics. The medically approved e-PTFE material for facial plastic surgery and reconstruction has good biocompatibility and there are fewer problems compared to silicone, such as hypersensitivity. It is a safe and effective material for aesthetic use, especially after thorough pre-surgery preparations and adequate asepsis.